State and Federal Programs
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- State & Federal Programs Handbook
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- School Purchase Request Form - Online Programs, Curriculum or New Consultant
- School/Classroom/Library Book Review Form
- Federal Funds for Field Trip
- SPSA and Addendums
- 2023-2024 SPSA
- LCFF: Food and Incentive Guidelines
- Time & Effort
- Extra Time
- Equipment Inventory
- Equitable Services for Private School Students
- Teacher of the Year Nominations
- Organizational Chart
- LCP, LCAP, and Extended Learning Opportunities Grant Plan
- LCAP Federal Addendum
- 2024-2025 SPSA
Current state and federal laws require the California Department of Education (CDE) to monitor the implementation of programs operated by each district and school. The FPM process centers on both the statutory monitoring requirements for LEAs and the California Department of Education (CDE). The FPM monitoring instruments have tight adherence and alignment with state and federal law.
Districts are responsible for ensuring that schools maintain compliant categorical programs. BCSD has embedded most of the required program components into the daily procedures of the District and school sites. BCSD’s internal controls and program design are structured to assure compliance while simultaneously emphasizing the academic needs of our students.
BCSD 2023-2024 Onsite FPM Review
October 23-27, 2023
District Programs selected by CDE for review:
- Compensatory Ed (CE)
- English Learners (EL)
- Federal Stimulus Monitoring (FM)
- Migrant Education (ME)
- Supporting Effective Instruction (SEI)
- School Support and Improvement (SSI)
School Sites Selected by CDE for Review:
Fremont Elemntary
Compensatory Ed
English Learners
McKinley Elementary
Compensatory Ed
School Support and Improvement
English Learners
Voorhies Elementary
Compensatory Ed
English Learners
Walter Stiern Middle
Compensatory Ed
English Learners