School Attendance Review Board (S.A.R.B.)

  • What is S.A.R.B.?

    • The School Attendance Review Board (S.A.R.B.) is an interagency group authorized by California law that assists families experiencing school truancy, attendance, and behavioral problems to find solutions by providing resources and guidelines. (Education Code Section 48320 et seq.)
    • The goal of the S.A.R.B. is to help families comply with California’s compulsory attendance laws.  To achieve this goal, the law provides for a multi-agency S.A.R.B. that includes the following agencies:  Student and family services, Probation, Student welfare and attendance personnel, School Nurse, and Mental Health representatives
    • In 1974, the Legislature enacted Education Code Section 48320 to enhance the enforcement of compulsory attendance laws. This legislation made way for the establishment of the School Attendance Review Board (SARB) that became operative in 1975.
    • Student Services utilizes SARB to provide coordinated services between the school, community agencies and the home, in an effort to resolve attendance problems.

Frequently Asked Questions About Truancy

  • What is the legal definition of a truant student?

  • What is a habitual truant?

  • When are truancy letters sent?

S.A.R.B. Informational Documents