Owens GATE Program

  • The Gifted and Talented Education program at Bessie E. Owens Primary and Intermediate Schools offers students the opportunity to participate in challenging educational activities. Following the State Standards, G.A.T.E. incorporates critical thinking skills, inquiry-based learning, and enrichment to fully involve students in their education. Students in the full-time program attend Owens daily, receiving advanced instruction in the core curriculum and enrichment education.

    For more information on the program, please click on the Full-Time link. You may also contact Helen Cuevas, G.A.T.E. Academy Program Specialist at Bessie Owens Primary, 631-5420, or Bessie Owens Intermediate at 631-5950.
    Her email address is cuevash@bcsd.com. More information is available on the BCSD website, Departments, Curriculum and Standards, GATE. All Parent and Teacher Nomination forms and Consent to Assess forms are downloadable from this site.

GATE Programs

  • Computer Lab

  • Science Lab

  • Science Fair

  • Performing Arts

  • Lego Club