• Annual Title I, Part A Parent and Family Meeting

    School Parent Involvement Requirements

    Each school served with Title I, Part A funds shall:

    Convene an annual meeting to which all parents of participating children shall be invited and encouraged to attend, to inform parents of their school's participation under Title I, Part A, and to explain the requirements of Title I, Part A, and the right of parents to be involved.

    Title I Meeting(s) should convene at a time that is convenient for families.

    Schools may hold a Title I Meeting during Back-to-School Night if the following requirements are met:

    1. Invitation must specifically invite parents to your Title I Parent Meeting.  
    2. Sign-In Form of families attending Title I Annual Meeting
    3. School to update Title I Presentation to align with SPSA Title I strategies & expenditures and Present during the Annual Title I Parent Meeting.


    Targeted Assistance Program (TAS)

    Title I Targeted Assistance Program (TAS) Annual Parent Meeting Presentation - English

    Title I Targeted Assistance Program (TAS) Annual Parent Meeting Presentation - Spanish


    Schoolwide Program- Title I schools with 40% or higher Socioeconomically Disadvantaged students.

    Title I Schoolwide Program Annual Parent Meeting Presentation - English

    Title I Schoolwide Program Annual Parent Meeting Presentation - Spanish


    Schools submit the required documents to the State & Federal Programs Department and keep them on file at the school for five years.

    Required Documentation in English & Spanish:

    1. Invitation
    2. Sign In Form
    3. Presentation