- Bakersfield City School District
- District African American Parent Advisory Council
Family and Community Engagement (F.A.C.E.)
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- District African American Parent Advisory Council
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The mission of the District African American Parent Advisory Council (DAAPAC) is to provide a forum to hear the ideas of the Bakersfield City School District’s African American parent community and respond to those ideas by educating and informing parents of district resources, policies, and programs. It is our goal to empower the lives of all African American children and families by providing the knowledge and skills necessary to advocate for a high-quality educational experience for our children.
The goal of DAAPC is to engage, equip, and empower parents to advocate for the academic success of their children. DAAPAC works to develop resources that allow parents to more actively support the academic instruction their children receive and engage with educators and administrators in the Bakersfield City School District. Inform parent representatives so they can share the information back to their school sites.
For more information, contact Christine Meza, FACE Representative, at (661) 631-4513 or mezac@bcsd.com.
1300 BAKER St.
Public Comment
To provide public comments:
1. The preferred option for commenting on a specific agenda item or for providing general public comment under Public Comments is to submit your comment via email to mezac@bcsd.com please include your name and clearly indicate the agenda item number you wish to address.
2. Alternatively, you may comment by calling (661) 631-4766 to leave a voicemail of no more than three minutes in length. Please state and spell your name at the beginning of your message and clearly indicate the agenda item number you wish to address.
3. In order to be read aloud during the meeting, comments must be received by 12:00 p.m. on the day of the DAC meeting.
4. Should the public speaker not want their name stated publicly, please specify at the top of the email or at the beginning of the voicemail.
During the meeting, comments will be read aloud by the DAC Board Chairperson and they will be added to the meeting minutes. Please note, that the Board may exercise its discretion regarding the amount of time for each public comment depending on the number of emails received. The total time allotted to all persons wishing to speak to an item shall not exceed five (5) minutes. In case of numerous requests to address the same item, the Board may select representatives to speak on each side of the item. As with in-person meetings, the Board respects the right of the public to comment on parent advisory matters. The content of messages should be civil and appropriate for a public meeting of a school district parent advisory meeting.