Teacher Induction Program

  • The Teacher Induction Program (TIP) is a two-year program of mentoring and professional development designed to meet the needs of induction candidates in California. The Bakersfield City School District administers a single district Induction program. The culmination of the two-year program is the recommendation of the new teacher’s California Clear Credential.

    The program consists of pairing induction candidates with experienced teachers who serve as mentors and providing them time to work together, offering professional development opportunities to meet the needs of the new teacher in relation to his/her teaching assignment, building a support network by providing opportunities to dialogue with colleagues and providing a system of guided inquiry to assist beginning teachers' professional growth.

    California Commission on Teacher Credentialing: www.ctc.ca.gov

Additional Resources

  • Program Goals

  • California Standards for the Teaching Profession

  • Induction Candidates

  • Mentors