- Bakersfield City School District
- Teacher Induction Program
Teacher Induction Program
The Teacher Induction Program (TIP) is a two-year program of mentoring and professional development designed to meet the needs of induction candidates in California. The Bakersfield City School District administers a single district Induction program. The culmination of the two-year program is the recommendation of the new teacher’s California Clear Credential.
The program consists of pairing induction candidates with experienced teachers who serve as mentors and providing them time to work together, offering professional development opportunities to meet the needs of the new teacher in relation to his/her teaching assignment, building a support network by providing opportunities to dialogue with colleagues and providing a system of guided inquiry to assist beginning teachers' professional growth.
California Commission on Teacher Credentialing: www.ctc.ca.gov
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Program Goals
- Ensure the professional success and retention of promising new teachers
- Improve student performance through enhanced training, information, and assistance for new teachers
- Improve the working conditions and job satisfaction of teachers by reducing professional isolation
- Establish a system of inquiry and growth based on the California Standards for the Teaching Profession
California Standards for the Teaching Profession
Adopted by the California Department of Education, the California Standards for the Teaching Profession provide a framework of common expectations for teachers.
The standards are:
- Engaging and Supporting all Students in Learning
- Creating and Maintaining Effective Environments for Student Learning
- Understanding and Organizing Subject Matter for Student Learning
- Planning Instruction and Designing Learning Experiences for All Students
- Assessing Student Learning
- Developing as a Professional Educator
Induction Candidates
Teachers in their first or second year of teaching with their California Preliminary Credential can participate in the TIP program.
Through TIP they receive:
- Individualized support from mentors
- Professional development activities designed to improve teaching performance
- Opportunities to be observed and observe others
- Specific confidential feedback on teaching performance
- A California Clear Credential
- Option to purchase available university credit and applied coursework towards a Masters Degree
Induction candidates are asked to work closely with their mentors and to attend program meetings while they complete the induction program requirements.
Mentors are successful, experienced teachers who assist participating teachers, desire professional growth, and can show administrative support for their participation. Each mentor is paired with induction candidates with matched credentials and grade-level experiences.
Research has indicated that as mentors, the experienced teachers benefit from their participation in TIP, learning about new approaches helps to clarify their own thinking and improves their teaching practice.
- Guide and assist induction candidates in developing and implementing an Individual Learning Plan (ILP)
- Hold regularly scheduled mentoring sessions for their new teachers on a weekly basis
- Attend induction candidate meetings as well as ongoing mentor training
With the California Standards for the Teaching Profession as the foundation for new teacher development, the mentors participate in training sessions that will enhance their knowledge of instruction and collaborative coaching strategies. These sessions enable mentors to scaffold teacher learning and develop effective practices.