- Bakersfield City School District
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Welcome to Data & Assessment
In the Bakersfield City School District, we commit to providing the highest quality educational experience. We evaluate our effects on student learning and achievement by focusing on evidence of student learning. BCSD educators understand the importance of various types of assessments, or multiple measures, as part of a balanced assessment system in determining our effect.
Ultimately, our work is guided by four essential questions:
- What do we want students to know and be able to do?
- How will students demonstrate that they have mastered essential learning?
- How will we intervene for students who struggle and enrich the learning for students who are proficient?
- How can we use the evidence of student learning to improve our individual and collective practice?
The BCSD Data and Assessment Department is committed to connecting students, educators, leadership, and the community with data and resources to support a continuous learning cycle.
Contact Information
Brooke Smothers-Strizic
Executive Director
(661) 631-4677
strizicb@bcsd.comTina Mendez
Ed. Tech Data & Assessment Supervisor
(661) 631-4750
mendeze@bcsd.comMary Worrell
Administrative Secretary II
(661) 631-4742
worrellm@bcsd.comAvilene Cueto
Program Specialist
(661) 631- 4511 x14800
cuetoa@bcsd.comJuan Diego Alvarez
Ed. Tech Data & Assessment Analyst
(661) 631- 4903