Welcome to State and Federal Programs

  • The intent of the State & Federal Programs Department is to provide clarity, coherence, compliance, and consistency with the district’s state and federal program requirements to promote the academic excellence and social-emotional well-being of our students while empowering family and community to be active partners in the education of our students.

    This website provides links and forms to assure the district and schools implement a fully effective and compliant Title I program.

    The District’s Local Control Agency Plan (LCAP) serves as the master plan for the District. The schools’ School Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA) aligns with both the LCAP and LCAP Federal Addendum. The SPSA directly supports student achievement by addressing the following District’s Instructional Core Values (English Language Arts, Language Supports & Mathematics), Social Emotional Learning, and Family & Community Engagement.

State and Federal Programs Resources

  • For New Support Staff

Contact Information